Get The Right Above-Ground Water Storage Tank for the Need!

There are many types of above-ground vessels designed by water storage tank engineering services for storing potable water and other liquids.

Choosing the best one will depend on specific factors such as where the tank will be set up, how much water must be stored, weather conditions, and the ability to provide water storage tank maintenance as needed.

The first step in the process of purchasing tanks from a water storage tank service is knowing the many types that are available and then determining which ones will best fill the need.

  • Bolted Steel Tanks - Bolted steel tanks are the most commonly used water storage tank engineering design for above-ground storage of large volumes of water or other liquids. They are made from multiple steel panels that are bolted together with gaskets to seal them and suitable for many different environments. Due to corrosion issues, bolted steel tanks do require water storage tank maintenance such as occasional draining as well as cleaning and the application of corrosion-resistant coatings to maintain their condition and slow the progression of rust corrosion. 
  • Stainless Steel Tanks - One of the most corrosion-free tanks recommended by water storage tank services for a variety of uses is stainless steel tanks. Resisting algae growth, rusting, and requiring minimal tank maintenance, stainless steel is a great option for storing water, dairy, chemicals, and other liquids, though they are not typically available in the massive sizes that bolted steel tanks can be built. 
  • Vertical Polyethylene Tanks - Made from durable polyethylene material, these vertical tanks are used only to store water, but in a design that can do so on a smaller footprint. Similar to smaller standpipe water tanks, vertical polyethylene tanks are available in a wide variety of sizes, from small to fairly large, for storing potable and irrigation water.
  • Fiberglass Tanks - Fiberglass tanks are some of the strongest tanks out there, even rivaling steel tanks. Though they can be used to store many liquids, choose one engineered with a resin coating on the inside when storing potable water. Fiberglass tanks are great mid-sized tanks for storing more than 1,000 gallons of water or liquid. 
  • Pillow Tanks - Also called water bladders, pillow tanks are smaller types of storage vessels that are used for water, fuel, and other liquids. They are collapsible and portable and can withstand many different climate conditions.

When choosing a water storage tank, consider the different materials and water storage tank engineering designs and how each relates to the need.

Avoid unnecessary repairs by selecting the best tank for the purpose, then providing water storage tank maintenance as recommended.

Water storage tank services can advise on the best large-volume above-ground storage tanks for water and any other liquid!

Keep Water Storage Tanks in Shape With Two Simple Tasks!

Water storage tanks are an investment that every owner wants to see lasting as long as possible.

To achieve that, tank owners need only invest in proper water storage tank maintenance that includes routine inspections and periodic tank cleaning.

While there will also be times when water storage tank maintenance services should be hired to reapply corrosive coatings and perform repairs if necessary, these two very basic monitoring tasks can keep tanks in great shape.

Any developing conditions that require intervention can be tended to sooner, rather than later.

1. Water Storage Tank Inspections

Periodic tank inspections should be performed by a qualified water storage tank maintenance company, primarily to confirm adherence to safety requirements, but also to assess condition.

By staying one step ahead of corrosion and other damage through regular inspection, tank owners have the ability to arrange for repairs while they are still minor, reducing repair costs over the life of the tank and lengthening service life.

Inspections must include both the tank and tower or base and the interior as well as the exterior of the tank and all functioning tank equipment.

Inspections can be performed by a water storage tank maintenance company via diving inspection, using an ROV, or manually, if the tank will be emptied for cleaning.

2. Water Storage Tank Cleaning

As important as inspections by water storage tank maintenance services are, so is periodic emptying and cleaning of the tank to remove sludge and other debris.

Cleaning is especially crucial in potable water tanks, as the sludge that normally collects at the bottom can become a bacteria breeding ground.

Additionally, a detail that many fail to recognize until it has already started to affect the tank, large amounts of sediment collecting on the bottom can affect the tank structure itself.

It is recommended to have a water storage tank maintenance company perform a cleaning approximately once per year to prevent these conditions. 

Adding It All Up

A lack of water storage tank maintenance can result in damage that worsens from year to year, then eventually requires costly repairs.

The simplest way for tank owners to avoid that problem is to arrange regular inspections and water storage tank maintenance services to assess the current condition, then plan for cleaning and any minor repairs that may be immediately required.

In the end, these two simple maintenance tasks done religiously will ensure that every water storage tank stays in good condition and is useful throughout its entire expected service life!