Important Considerations When Planning A Whole Home Makeover!

Doing a whole home makeover can be a big job depending on the complexity of the work involved.

There is a lot of room for error if the project is not well planned out ahead of time.

Before any homeowner jumps into a renovation with both feet, whole home contractors recommend taking the time to work through these critical considerations so they get a clear idea of what will be involved and make the necessary preparations.

  1. Finding The Right Contractor - Take time finding the best whole home contractor for the job. Find one who shares the same vision and has ideas for getting it done. Get an estimate from and then think over the plans a little more so that committing to this larger type of project can happen without hesitation. 
  2. Resale Value - When working up ideas with whole home makeover companies, consider resale value based on the changes being made and whether it matters. Some ideas will not bring much in added value, but if there are no plans to sell the house in the near future, it may not matter.
  3. Funding - Prior to anything else, homeowners must get the funding required to pay for their whole home renovation as doing anything else first could end up being the equivalent of spinning wheels. Once the funds needed to pay for the project are based on contractor estimates, the wheels can then be set into motion.   
  4. Permits and Zoning - A critical part of the planning process must address zoning laws and the acquisition of any permits required for whole home renovations to be made. Homeowners can work with their chosen contractor on these two points ahead of time to avoid delays once the work starts. 
  5. Cost Savings - Another detail that homeowners can discuss with their whole home makeover company is finding ways to save on costs. Whether that involves compromising on the plans in little ways or choosing less-expensive fixtures, renovation contractors may have some creative ideas to reduce the overall tab for the project. 
  6. Life Interruption - Before giving the final go-ahead, understand how everyday life will be disrupted with contractors working in the house for weeks or months on end depending on the scope of the project and plan some solutions for dealing with it. 
  7. Safety Concerns - Homeowners should also discuss safety and cleanliness with their whole home contractors and come up with a plan for maintaining both. This is especially important in homes with kids and pets.

Planning a whole home renovation can be fun and exciting.

Be sure those plans can become reality by being aware of these points before going blindly into this major type of home project.

A reliable whole home makeover company can advise on these and other concerns to help their customers achieve a great result with few hiccups along the way!