The 5 Essential Stages of Developing Raw Land

Residential land development involves a specific process for taking raw land and turning it into profitable, developed building lots.

As easy as it might seem to simply clear away trees and brush and then get to work building, the basic process addresses 5 distinct stages before any residential land development work can be undertaken.

Whether there is already land available or a residential land development company is seeking a good plot to develop, understanding these basic requirements can help.

  1. Investment and Economic Feasibility - The most important element when starting a residential land development project is calculating the economic feasibility of the project based on a particular land investment. Land prices and all the costs associated with its development must all be taken into consideration to determine whether a particular parcel is a wise investment for development.  
  2. Zoning - Prior to purchasing a plot of land, a residential land development company must investigate local zoning ordinances and whether their chosen plot can be used in the way they would like to develop it. Zoning for residential land development will dictate the types of dwellings that can be built on the land, whether they are single-family homes, multi-family units, apartment buildings, or others. 
  3. Land Acquisition - Once a residential land development plan has been created, economic feasibility assessed, and zoning limitations investigated, a residential land development company must then acquire the land if they have not already done so. In either case, it is recommendable to enter into these projects already having an idea of all associated costs and the profits that can be expected at the end. 
  4. Project Financing - With the right plot of land selected for residential land development, project owners can then secure their financing and make the land purchase. Once the land is owned, a residential land development company can be hired to start the site preparation and building process. 
  5. Site Preparation and Construction - Although it is the last technical stage of the residential land development process, there are many steps in the site preparation and building phase which may take as long as all previous phases combined. Residential land development work that starts with land clearing, grading, and other processes for site preparation and includes drainage, utility, and road installation will finally conclude once the planned houses have been completed.

Turning raw land into a beautiful new residential neighborhood takes good planning that involves this 5-stage residential land development assessment, acquisition, and modification process.

Once all five stages have been completed, project owners can then market their properties for sale.

What Are Pad Foundations and What Are The Different Types?

Pad foundations are concrete supports built to hold up the weight of the buildings constructed on top of them, transferring that weight evenly down into the soil.

Foundation pads are used in multiples, with a separate pad being positioned to sit under various load points under the building.

Though they are installed relatively shallowly in comparison to other types of foundations, building pad contractors may also install them deeply depending on soil conditions and the amount of weight they must support. 

Different Types of Foundation Building Pads

There are multiple types of foundation building pads that can be used to support a home or building:

  • Concrete - Square or rectangular concrete foundation pads, also referred to as concrete footings, that are positioned as needed under a building to provide support under various weight and stress points. Since they are not reinforced and designed for a shallow installation, building pad contractors tend to use plain concrete foundation pads only for smaller, lighter structures. 
  • Reinforced Concrete - Square or rectangular concrete pads that are reinforced with rebar to create a stronger, yet thinner pad capable of supporting more weight. Also used for shallow installations, reinforced concrete can be supportive in less space. 
  • Combined Column - A foundation building pad that includes two concrete pads that are affixed into a longer one that surrounds them both. Combination column pads are generally used to support structures that are close to property lines or other structures, which prevents the use of concrete pads in a centered position under the exterior walls and/or corners. This configuration adds additional support to those exterior walls. 
  • Continuous Pad - A foundation that includes multiple foundation pads built into one long, continuous pad that extends the length of the structure, or sometimes completely around it. Building pad contractors will choose a continuous pad foundation for structures that require many smaller pads positioned very close together, to prevent overlapping while making the foundation more secure. 
  • Pad and Ground Beam - A foundation constructed similarly to a continuous pad foundation, only with building pads connected and reinforced by ground beams with metal reinforcements. These are stronger, and more stable foundation pads that require less space between the pads.

In Summary

Concrete foundation pads are all mostly the same, in that they are square or rectangular concrete building pads designed to sit under a structure to support it in the ground.

Depending on the building's size, weight, the design of its support structure, and its position in relation to property lines and other structures, building pad contractors might choose one or more of the different types of foundation pads to securely support that building.

Keep Water Storage Tanks in Shape With Two Simple Tasks!

Water storage tanks are an investment that every owner wants to see lasting as long as possible.

To achieve that, tank owners need only invest in proper water storage tank maintenance that includes routine inspections and periodic tank cleaning.

While there will also be times when water storage tank maintenance services should be hired to reapply corrosive coatings and perform repairs if necessary, these two very basic monitoring tasks can keep tanks in great shape.

Any developing conditions that require intervention can be tended to sooner, rather than later.

1. Water Storage Tank Inspections

Periodic tank inspections should be performed by a qualified water storage tank maintenance company, primarily to confirm adherence to safety requirements, but also to assess condition.

By staying one step ahead of corrosion and other damage through regular inspection, tank owners have the ability to arrange for repairs while they are still minor, reducing repair costs over the life of the tank and lengthening service life.

Inspections must include both the tank and tower or base and the interior as well as the exterior of the tank and all functioning tank equipment.

Inspections can be performed by a water storage tank maintenance company via diving inspection, using an ROV, or manually, if the tank will be emptied for cleaning.

2. Water Storage Tank Cleaning

As important as inspections by water storage tank maintenance services are, so is periodic emptying and cleaning of the tank to remove sludge and other debris.

Cleaning is especially crucial in potable water tanks, as the sludge that normally collects at the bottom can become a bacteria breeding ground.

Additionally, a detail that many fail to recognize until it has already started to affect the tank, large amounts of sediment collecting on the bottom can affect the tank structure itself.

It is recommended to have a water storage tank maintenance company perform a cleaning approximately once per year to prevent these conditions. 

Adding It All Up

A lack of water storage tank maintenance can result in damage that worsens from year to year, then eventually requires costly repairs.

The simplest way for tank owners to avoid that problem is to arrange regular inspections and water storage tank maintenance services to assess the current condition, then plan for cleaning and any minor repairs that may be immediately required.

In the end, these two simple maintenance tasks done religiously will ensure that every water storage tank stays in good condition and is useful throughout its entire expected service life!

Important Considerations When Planning A Whole Home Makeover!

Doing a whole home makeover can be a big job depending on the complexity of the work involved.

There is a lot of room for error if the project is not well planned out ahead of time.

Before any homeowner jumps into a renovation with both feet, whole home contractors recommend taking the time to work through these critical considerations so they get a clear idea of what will be involved and make the necessary preparations.

  1. Finding The Right Contractor - Take time finding the best whole home contractor for the job. Find one who shares the same vision and has ideas for getting it done. Get an estimate from and then think over the plans a little more so that committing to this larger type of project can happen without hesitation. 
  2. Resale Value - When working up ideas with whole home makeover companies, consider resale value based on the changes being made and whether it matters. Some ideas will not bring much in added value, but if there are no plans to sell the house in the near future, it may not matter.
  3. Funding - Prior to anything else, homeowners must get the funding required to pay for their whole home renovation as doing anything else first could end up being the equivalent of spinning wheels. Once the funds needed to pay for the project are based on contractor estimates, the wheels can then be set into motion.   
  4. Permits and Zoning - A critical part of the planning process must address zoning laws and the acquisition of any permits required for whole home renovations to be made. Homeowners can work with their chosen contractor on these two points ahead of time to avoid delays once the work starts. 
  5. Cost Savings - Another detail that homeowners can discuss with their whole home makeover company is finding ways to save on costs. Whether that involves compromising on the plans in little ways or choosing less-expensive fixtures, renovation contractors may have some creative ideas to reduce the overall tab for the project. 
  6. Life Interruption - Before giving the final go-ahead, understand how everyday life will be disrupted with contractors working in the house for weeks or months on end depending on the scope of the project and plan some solutions for dealing with it. 
  7. Safety Concerns - Homeowners should also discuss safety and cleanliness with their whole home contractors and come up with a plan for maintaining both. This is especially important in homes with kids and pets.

Planning a whole home renovation can be fun and exciting.

Be sure those plans can become reality by being aware of these points before going blindly into this major type of home project.

A reliable whole home makeover company can advise on these and other concerns to help their customers achieve a great result with few hiccups along the way!

Keeping Up with API Oil Storage Tank Requirements?

Proper oil storage tank maintenance and design are essential in the production and use of these tanks, as any tank failure could lead to devastating safety issues.

Tank designers and owners must prevent problems by designing and building according to API standards, undertaking routine oil storage tank inspections and providing regular, required maintenance. 

What is the Role of the API?

The American Petroleum Institute (API) sets various design standards that are government regulated to ensure manufacturer compliance.

It also documents various oil storage tank maintenance and inspection standards and requirements that oil storage tank services must adhere to.

Doing so prevents costly and dangerous accidents with these tanks.

Though API standards vary depending on the shape, size, and use of the tank, they are always enforced to ensure that tanks are designed, constructed, installed, and used in a safe manner. 

Fulfill API Standards with Owner Participation in Tank Design and Building

In doing so, API recommends that tank owners participate in the design and building process so they are aware of what is going on during fabrication, including the materials being used and the fabricator’s adherence to API standards regarding welding, ultrasonic testing, and vacuum testing of the weld seams.

A fully fabricated and installed tank should then undergo a final oil storage tank inspection and pneumatic test to ensure no leaks are present prior to putting the tank into service. 

API Compliance Is with Owner Once Tank Is Built and Delivered

Once a tank is put into operation, the responsibility for API standards compliance goes fully into the hands of the tank owner.

Compliance can be maintained by arranging for regular oil storage tank maintenance and periodic oil storage tank inspections as required for that tank.

Everything from tank function and condition to its foundation and the presence of corrosion on the interior or exterior of the tank are considered in these inspections in order to keep oil storage tanks operating safely.

Any tanks found by oil storage tank services to no longer comply must obviously receive the repairs necessary to put them back into compliance. 

Compliance With API Standards Is Crucial

API standards for oil storage tank design, fabrication, maintenance, and inspection are crucial regulations that promote the longevity and safe operation of every tank out there.

Tank owners should protect their ability to be compliant by first working with designers and fabricators who work according to these standards and then assuming the responsibility to maintain API standard compliance by providing necessary oil storage tank inspections and maintenance.

Well-designed, compliant tanks are safer and more cost-effective in the long run as well as less likely to develop problems that result in accidents and expensive repairs.

Renovating? Answer These Important Questions First!

Doing a major home improvement project like a whole home makeover can be a rewarding investment in home ownership and one’s personal comfort.

The scope of a project like this can be daunting at times, too.

Obviously, anyone thinking of starting a major renovation project needs to step forward with trusted and qualified whole home contractors; however, there are other factors to consider as well.

Before swinging the first hammer to begin a large house renovation project with whole home services, homeowners should first be able to answer these important questions!

What Is Your Vision?

There is so much more to doing a home renovation than deciding to do it.

Homeowners should have a well-thought vision of what they want and an ability to convey all of that to their whole home contractor for them to be pleased with the end result.

Whole home services require a great time investment for planning and discussion to ensure everyone is seeing the same vision and are working toward the same goal. 

Who Do You Know?

Major projects like whole home makeovers require homeowners to weed out the best people in their community who can help them achieve their renovation dreams.

Screen whole home services before getting deep into the planning stage and then work with them to come up with feasible plans.

In selecting the right contractors, discuss details like materials sourcing, qualified subcontractors, and whatever else it takes to confirm that the right people are available for the project. 

Can You Be Flexible? 

Whole home makeover projects are notorious for encountering challenges along the way such as delays, errors, and sometimes the inability to get certain supplies and components that are a part of the renovation “vision.”

A degree of flexibility is always necessary for the unexpected issues that can come up along the way.

Homeowners can avoid much frustration from the start by accepting the idea that things happen and flexibility will sometimes be necessary.

Do You Have Temporary Accommodations?

Understand at the start that whole home makeover services can sometimes require moving out of the house for a little while.

Every major renovation plan should therefore include temporary living arrangements if they are required so contractors can get the job done. 

Find Your Whole Home Makeover Dream!

Once these four important questions can be answered, homeowners can reach out to qualified whole home contractors in their community and start the project planning.

Whole home services provided by capable and experienced remodeling services can help homeowners achieve their renovation vision!

When Planning Commercial Land Development – Keep These Essential Ideas in Mind!

Commercial land development is the process of turning a raw, undeveloped plot of land into an office park, shopping center, or some other commercial location.

It is a process that involves many steps, all of which start with the long and challenging task of site preparation and planning out the finished project.

In creating an effective development plan, a commercial land development company must consider these essential factors to create their site preparation and construction plan accordingly.

  • Develop A Site Plan - The plot plan and construction design should be drawn out in a scale, labeled plan that addresses and incorporates all of the following points, plus other details like landscaping, utility installation, surrounding roads and landmarks, etc.
  • Address Flood Management and Detention Spaces - Proper drainage is one of the most critical details that must be factored into any commercial land development plan. Developers must start out by locating nearby flood zones, planning for drainage, and including detention spaces for flood waters if necessary, as commercial properties produce large amounts of runoff.
  • Plan Out Traffic Management - Beyond the roads through the development, a commercial land development company must also take traffic management around the facility into account when planning the placement of roads, entrances, exits, and traffic lights.
  • Include Civil Engineering - Commercial land development planning should also include planning for utilities, light posts, sewers, sidewalks, and other civil engineering elements in the complete plan before work begins.
  • Address The Removal or Addition of Trees - While assessing drainage and flood control, consider the surrounding landscape, the presence and location of mature trees, which trees will need to be removed during project development, and where new trees should be replaced.
  • Build To Local Subdivision Compliance - Lastly, beyond all the other planning, a commercial land development company must also be aware of all local subdivision rules and ordinances and plan their project in observance of those.

Considering all of these factors, it is no wonder why commercial land development can take years just in the planning stages.

Achieving project success involves everything from anticipating drainage problems and traffic increases that could affect nearby properties to improving infrastructure locally so the project can be supported.

All of this comes down to doing the right research and planning with the best commercial land developers and engineers who can ensure an outcome of success.

Choose an experienced commercial land development company that understands these essential ideas and how to manage them to come up with the perfect commercial plan to build from!

Thinking Outside the Box With Kitchen Remodeling!

Kitchen remodeling is of the main improvements that most homeowners want to do eventually to make their kitchens more useful and comfortable.

The question is then asked: how can that be accomplished relatively easily?

Many people find that just thinking about kitchen remodeling becomes overwhelming, considering there are so many ideas and options to incorporate.

What should be done with a kitchen remodel to build a useful and unique space that also feels comfortable to work in? 

Consider Kitchen Use

The best way to achieve that, say experienced kitchen remodelers and designers, is to look at how each family likes to use their kitchen and build from there.

Instead of copying ideas off of pinboards to adopt the same look as someone else’s home, kitchen remodels should step outside the box to come up with something truly unique and familiar.

Those images are great to use as inspiration, but personal kitchen remodeling should start with a close look at how that space gets used now, not an end result to build backward from. 

Consider Kitchen Activities

How can this be done?

Great kitchen remodelers recommend taking a good look at what types of activities happen in the kitchen and using that as a basis to create a useful design.

From frequent baking and a need for lots of counter space to using the kitchen as a social space, all of these ideas should be addressed and accommodated to build the perfect kitchen remodel for a particular family.

If the kitchen does double-duty as a homework area, office space, or even a place to do arts and crafts, kitchen remodelers recommend that should be accommodated as well.

Breakfast and entertaining spaces also count, since it really is true that the majority of time spent entertaining people is spent in the kitchen. 

Time to Design A Great Kitchen Remodel

Only after listing all of the activities that this space should be available for should the actual kitchen remodeling planning begin.

With a list of necessary features, whether existing or to be added and another a list of storage requirements, kitchen remodelers can help their clients design and build a highly usable kitchen for their family.

For some, that will include a kitchen remodel based on the traditional kitchen triangle workspace.

For others, it might involve a slightly different design according to the number of people who need to use the space at the same time, how they wish to use it, and other kitchen design factors.

Regardless of what the final design looks like, the takeaway is simply to think outside the usual box of just replacing component A with component B and build a kitchen that really feels like home!

Why Is Good Bathroom Lighting So Important?

Of all the places in a home where good lighting is most important, one of them is the bathroom, which is why lighting is a key component of most bathroom redesigns.

Better, bigger, and more light fixtures are recommended options when planning bathroom renos, as having a well-lit bathroom space is a high priority.

Before skimping on lighting for bathroom makeovers, anyone planning one should first understand why improving the lighting should remain near the top of the list of bathroom reno must-haves.

  1. Increased Safety - The most important reason why bathroom redesigns should include lighting improvements is that it creates a safer environment where the ability to see everything is important. From being able to keep the space cleaner to having an easier time with self-care like shaving, bathing, and putting on makeup, a brighter space is safer and easier to work in.
  2. Appearance of More Space - Adding more lighting during a bathroom reno can make smaller spaces look larger, which means more bang for the renovation buck, especially in small spaces that can only be expanded so much. Brighter lighting can act as an optical illusion in spaces that previously looked small and cramped due to poor lighting.
  3. Creates A Great Atmosphere - In addition to making the space look bigger, adding more and better lighting during a bathroom makeover can help to create a comfortable atmosphere that will turn any bathroom into a place for relaxation and pampering.
  4. Greater Illumination - Clean, bright lighting that illuminates a bathroom provides greater and more accurate lighting so it can be that one place in any home where true colors and fine details can be seen perfectly, without error or eye strain.
  5. Adds More Value - Including lighting upgrades with any bathroom reno plan will also add value to the whole effect of the remodel, as this is a detail that many will skimp on thinking they can save money. In actuality, the money spent improving bathroom lighting makes the entire project more valuable by increasing visual impact, safety, and personal comfort.

Lighting is a part of a bathroom makeover that many times gets skipped over in an attempt to keep the cost lower.

What homeowners should realize is that they will have a much better overall result and enjoy their bathroom redesign much more by addressing lighting issues.

A brighter, lighter, and cleaner bathroom reno is not just more enjoyable, it makes sure the value of that home renovation project is fully appreciated!

What’s The Big Deal About Farmhouse Sinks for Kitchen Redesigns?

Farmhouse sinks, also known as apron sinks, have been a kitchen renovation trend for years now and the trend just keeps growing.

It seems that everyone wants a farmhouse sink installed in their kitchen as part of a kitchen remodel.

What is the big deal about them? Why are they so big? Are there any downsides to them?

Here are a few tips shared by experienced kitchen remodeling contractors about those coveted farmhouse sinks to help you decide if you really want one or not.

  • The Design - Farmhouse kitchen sinks are big and deep, with an actual purpose to them. The design came about a long time ago for cleaning when there was no running water. The deep basin of a classic farmhouse sink is divided in the middle to create two separate compartments, one for filling with water and the other for doing the actual washing. This way, less water was used to soak and wash dishes and then rinse them in the second bowl. Some farmhouse sinks installed as part of kitchen renovations also include a drainboard to the side as well as cutting boards that fit over one bowl to convert it into temporary food prep space. Whether you use yours the traditional way or not, it is great to know that there is actually a practical reason for these sinks to be as large and deep as they are!
  • The Materials - Traditionally made out of either white porcelain or metal coated with white porcelain, farmhouse sinks are actually available in many other varieties these days. Kitchen remodel services can install farmhouse sinks made from ceramic/porcelain, porcelain-coated steel, copper, wood, marble, and many other materials and in numerous colors to fit a wide variety of color schemes. Yet the white porcelain remains a favorite to this day.
  • The Downside - There are two main negatives to adding a farmhouse sink to a kitchen renovation. Porcelain and porcelain-coated metal surfaces make it easier to break dishes in the sink, so it is always a good idea to use rubber mats in the bottoms of these basins. Also, traditional porcelain can stain or chip fairly easily, though other materials are more resilient.

So now that you know the hows and whys of those appealing farmhouse sinks, are you ready to add one to your kitchen remodel?

The right sink, properly installed by experienced kitchen remodeling contractors, will look great while being very practical, especially for homeowners who make lots of use of their kitchens.

If you can take a few precautions to prevent dish breakage and chips to the porcelain, you will be very happy to add this characteristic feature to your home kitchen renovation!